Friday, 1 May 2020

May Day May Day

I spent the day drawing up Ship of Fools flood images playing card size - more images to come....
and went out for a graveyard walk after one of the big rainstorms at around 6pm when the light was amazing - strong sun and purple clouds, bright yellow greens and suddenly loads of pink clover and buttercups everywhere between the graves. A bit crowded as half the day had been unwalkable in and I suddenly felt like the sparrows I had been watching from my window while I worked, one with a beak full of nesting material, looking around anxiously in all directions to see if anyone was watching where he was going to add to his nest, and for any predators - a sparrowhawk does visit my tree early some mornings for breakfast.... as I kept a wary eye open for other people I might suddenly bump into I felt like a wild creature always on the look out for danger, a sudden strong kinship with the animal kingdom.....

a friend just sent me these images from the epidemic of 1918....

plus ca change......

1 comment:

izabel said...

lovely to find your blog and posts... do you have an email i can write to you to you at