I have two opportunities to show my books in London in June
first at Kaleid editions...
2-27 June 2010
A.A.A.B.A.M || Victoria Browne || Angie Butler || Lorna Crabbe || Harvey Dellanzo || Desmond Felix || Stephen Fowler || Daniele Genadry || Graeme Gerard Halliday || Stephen Lee || Flora McLean || Andrew Pegram || Peter Rapp || The Readers || Shelley Revill || Mary Rouncefield || Augusta Ogilvy & Martin Sexton || Sofia Stevi || Johnette Taylor || Carolyn Trant
Private View Tuesday 1st June 2010 6-9pm
The penultimate show at KALEID project space, Redchurch Street, London E2; an interdisciplinary group exhibition of editioned artists’ books curated by Victoria Browne and Dr. Aylin Kunter.
“...in the white heat of this revolution will be no place for restrictive practices or for outdated methods...”
In 1963, Harold Wilson laid forth an ambitious agenda that called into question values of family, work, education, male-female relations, sexuality, urbanism, science, technology and progress.
Taking inspiration from this period, KALEID will be subject to, and an object of ‘white heat’ as a beacon of light to illuminate a brave new collection of artists’ books; in order to represent our mood, ideas and the spirit of our time. In the current ‘light’ of the aftermath of the British general election, the exhibition will challenge the notion that there is one politics and celebrate the diversity of our lives.
‘According to Blake, anything is capable of becoming a text, that is, of bearing significant marks. The earth, the sky, the elements, natural objects, the human body and its garments, the mind itself are all space of inscription, sites in which the imagination renders or receives meaning, marking and being marked’1.
Hellicar & Lewis, a duo of interactive installation artists, will create a flock of light-beings inspired in part by John Horton Conway’s Game of Life and Craig Reynold’s further research into artificial life. The piece will interact with visitors who engage with the new collection artists’ books, as the installation replicates, mutates and evolves during the four week show.
Proudly supported by Creative Technology London
Please contact KALEID project space for further details: aylin@kaleideditions.com
1. William Blake quoted in Picture Theory by William Mitchell, 1994, p.131
KALEID editions aims to represent artists’ books to national collections and book fairs across the globe.
Since September 2009 KALEID project space has curated monthly exhibitions, represented over one hundred artists, launched publications and facilitated workshops. Meet us at the following events:
London Art Book Fair September 2010
New York Art Book Fair October 2010
Unit 2, 23-25 Redchurch Street, Shoreditch, London. E2 7DJ 07870 173 524
www.kaleideditions.comWednesday to Saturday, 12-7pm Late night Thursdays and informal Sundays
Artists’ Books Drop-in Workshops Sundays, 1-5pm
DOWNSTAIRS at the 53rd London International Antiquarian Book Fair, Olympia 2010
www.olympiabookfair.comand click on DOWNSTAIRS
I am exhibiting as Parvenu Press
meanwhile my litho press has finally been winched out of my house, quite an extraordinary sight, and I am re-organising my studio space.
All my projects are in boxes ready to spring out and set me going again with a bit more elbow room.