Monday, 13 January 2025

New archive of older work in progress from former website and an important Save the Date

 New Year new resolutions - I am in process of adding images of all my books from Gawain onwards from my previous website to the archive slot below my profile...this may take some time! I appreciate your patience! 

Work from 2007 and onwards will appear within the archived blog thread as usual.

I have also now included an easier contact form below the blog archive.

Many thanks to my brilliant and patient technical advisors!

The dates for this years Fine Press Association Fair at the Examination Rooms in Oxford 


3-4 May...not so far away now the year has turned.... I will be there exhibiting.

More information to come over the next few weeks..... but keep scrolling through the Blog Archive too for recent events... in due course I will add reference dates/links to projects and books illustrated in the Blog Archive and list into the ArtArchive for the years 2007 - 2024

meanwhile , my New Year card courtesy of William Blake...

Tuesday, 22 October 2024


 Welcome if you have been directed here by Outside In - I am writing an introductory piece to the work I have put into the auction ( such a good cause ) - hopefully you will have seen the images of the work I am putting in on their auction website...... the words below are an extension to the descriptions already their and explain my collaboration with poet James Simson and my trajectory from Painter to 'Bookmaker' scroll back and see pictures of other work I have done over the years......

James Simpson , a poet, and I met at Schumacher College over twenty years ago on a poetry and bookbinding course; over the week we soon realised that our own creative work and inspiration came from the same wellspring and sources, almost uncannily so …and we decided to keep in touch and work together on projects. We instinctively have conversations which no-one else would understand, he understands my primitive early scribbles straight away and he is the poet I wanted to be as a child before I was forced to choose between words or images (art education being what it was in the sixties).

I went to the Slade straight from school, where my A Levels in English Lit and History were frowned upon, and I fell between two stools - the ‘avant guard’ and the lovely old painting tutors  for whom my predilection for egg tempera was ‘not using proper paint’…. Nobody taught us anything much anyway but I met lovely people and it was fun.

Unfortunately for me crossing the boundaries of painting, sculpture and even printmaking (… and woodcuts for heaven’s sake – it was the age of silk screen!) was also difficult…sculpture postgrads smuggled me in to use the bandsaws and useful equipment for my non-rectangular paintings on gesso and my curved box frames.

By the 1990’s a two year commission called Rituals and Relics as Artist in Residence on the South Downs, enabled me to work sequentially, pushing me towards returning to my childhood passion for making books, now officially designated Artists Books ( so that was now ok then! )….making my art in any way I wanted and enabling me to keep groups of work and ideas together; each work was a project , and turning the pages…however unorthodox the book and its presentation, existed materially in time and space ......

My, possibly seen as 'old-fashioned, way of working' is an important statement in a digital world. I agree with Tapies, a wonderful Spanish/Catalan painter and bookmaker I admire. He talks about a logo-centric tradition he opposes, the illusion of the transparency of the word - the Catalan mystics like Ramon Lull thought the book-as-an-object was a dialogue between images and word .  Tapies was against dematerialisation and conceptualism - which he thought started with Gutenburg's printing presses and also the development of perspective in painting, and began to dissipate the material surface of book pages and books as objects, and of paintings.

 William Blake, another of my heroes, attempted to overcome this  disjunction/division of the graphic into 'letters' and 'drawings ' with his 'illuminated printing'. Urizen, the demi-urge - has a brush/pen/burin ....drawing lines in an open book, writing the text with one hand while illustrating it with another. I have James to help me!  Paul Klee invented alphabets; Brassai embraced graffiti; surrealists made automatic drawings..... making Artists Books continues ( in many forms) but I work like a painter/printmaker, or an alchemist, with very dirty hands...trying to make gold out waste and recycling. 

I use organic materials wherever possible, most of the last decade’s work has been very climate crisis orientated, I and it (the work) try to walk lightly on the planet. James and I share these concerns and all the philosophical ideas around it. I do not ‘illustrate’ his poems but through constant dialogue and sharing of work in progress we try to extrude the works between us. I enjoy keeps me on my toes and inspires me.

We have projects planned for years ahead but making by hand takes a lot of time….I often hand-cut his texts…but it is ‘slow poetry’ like ‘slow cooking’, a statement that the work is worth taking time over - that art and poetry are important in our frantic world.

Thursday, 29 August 2024

Lewes District ARTWAVE 2024 7th - 22nd September

I will be exhibiting for all three weekends of ARTWAVE 
7/8th   14/15th  21/22nd September  11am- 5pm
Carolyn Trant Studio, Lewes Con Club, 
139 High Street, 
Lewes BN7 1XS

     venue 34 in the brochure, Lewes Trail map

Billed as ...woodcut mayhem, freaks and wonders, fat cats and creatures great and small...images from the Circus book can be seen on the post below.... I will also be showing new prints done for the show as part of my preparation work for my next book and a selection from my usual prints and artists books.    for all other details

Thursday, 6 June 2024

BABE at UWE Bristol 29/30th June

 I shall have a stand at this always wonderful event - I am in one of the printmaking studios again - 

I shall be showing my very new book The Amazing (F)lying Circus limited edition book - only 13 copies (they take a very long time to do)...13 seems a suitably evil it says on he cover Something Wicked This Way Comes....

I am reviving the art of the Victorian thematic scrapbook in a suitably scurrilous manner ....

I will also be showing more large woodcut books....

Saturday, 20 April 2024

Next exhibiting Event - INK PAPER PRINT fair Lewes Town Hall Saturday 25th May


I shall have a stand at this fair 

(formerly at Towner Eastbourne ) 

and showing new book The Amazing (F)Lying Circus
                                                        note on for one day only.....

                                                        more images to follow....

Wednesday, 6 December 2023




last copies available here at Oxford…





plus tunnel book version


INFERNO celebrating 700 anniversary

small version plus larger cartonera street version

THE UNTENANTED ROOM v large version

plus new


also available

cartoneras – Ship of Fools, Fool gets Sick, 

Map of Lost Cuckoos, Bonfire of Vanities

small books – The Magic Rabbit, Family Album,

Jeus d’Enfants, Brighton Belle….collagraph books

Pastoral...celebrating 200 years of Blake’s wood- 

engravings with 17 of my own woodcuts

SHIP OF FOOLS – woodcut concertina book

hand-cut and printed woodcut ‘Tarot’ packs or sets of prints ,

 on ecological themes – earth air fire and water


triple layer hand-cut shaped concertina book

with 22 woodcut scenes

in slipcase also containing digitally produced text of the 


by James Simpson which inspired the project

hand-bound by Rachel Ward-Sale

Friday, 29 September 2023

Wonder at Fitzroy

 My Wonder Box exhibited at Fitzroy House - an old Gilbert Scott private lending library - is an extension of my Window of Wonder in the High Street - see previous post....

It is called The Untenanted Room - from The Little Bookshop at the end of the World...and it invites the viewer to consider further the whole idea of cabinets of Curiosities in 2023. We are now in a crisis - being reminded that we are just part of the natural world, not onlookers viewing, and collecting, displaying  curiosities to be marvelled at, consumables to be collected.

We are part of a marvellous universe that is all around us if we know how and where to look, but which is in dire need of protecting and being encouraged to flourish,

My box celebrates the beauty of decay - a natural part of the life-cycle - whilst reflecting on the emptying of the living world, the dessicating effect of numbering and categorising of all parts of it - including us, people, tribes of all kinds... with old photographs of dead specimens papering the outside of the box.

The texts are from a long poem sequence The Untenanted Room by James Simpson, with whom I have worked for the last 20 years on many Artists Book projects. 

The exhibition is open weekends from 12 - 4 from 30th September until Saturday 28th October