Sunday, 19 April 2020

More Fool than One

Finished some more to this Queue for the .......
which reminds me of my favourite cartoon, a man on a rowing boat full of hunched figures with a mobile clamped to his ear -' I'm on the Styx....'

and then I cut this one all day... a sort of Poor Tom's a Cold, or Winterreise wanderer, self imposed?/drummed out of town pursued by the town dogs...
the planet forcing us into the Wilderness to experience what it is really like...
its interesting how those politically to the right are quicker to want to force us all back out of isolation, to 'normality' stop us learning the resilience of isolation,
fascinating how the world divides politically over response to the crisis.. We are not looking good, although polls show people here voting for life over economics  although the economic case is very complicated -
an economics of sharing is needed , but how long will we remember... our national character produces problems of our own making which the ongoing national epic then shows us overcoming with bulldog style. What will we pull off this time.... hopefully a vaccine in due course...

My Fool now seems a slightly different character in each image, so perhaps Fool is actually a collection of survivors from the Ship......
I'm happy cutting - but also keep feeling the urge to be able to exhibit the completed Covid work - the Covid Tarot and and Fool gets Sick, but the reality is -  its always a slow process;
this 'being more kind to myself ' we are all urged to pursue isn't helpful - for me as in stopping and getting enough sleep, watching the odd dvd and reading more without feeling ideal for slow time perhaps but the piquance of a more frenetic life alongside is usually helpful too...
I realise my work may be out of date by the time I can show it - we will want to be 'moving on' - but I also feel a need to share and experience it deeply... reflect, learn, discuss...

Walking in the graveyard was particularly heavenly this evening, Downland hillside, amazing late sunshine and birdsong...I am so glad I have my plot booked there, I may not be breathing but hopefully I will feel it all in my bones.....

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