Thursday, 26 March 2020

Sick Fools and the Healing Wisdom of Trees

Positive thought for the day - at least when I can finally show things at my next un-cancelled show I won't be taking along books with slightly inkwet pages...

on the other hand I have now got so deep in new ideas that the next stage of binding the sewn cartoneras is receding into the distance; but I have plenty of time now....
I got straight up and started thinking over more ideas; first I went for my constitutional around the graveyard, trying to avoid the times that are getting a bit crowded with dogwalkers....

I found myself thinking about chance and portents - yesterday my hank of special grey coloured bookbinding thread ran out  just as I finished sewing up the last book - there was a good feeling about this - an 'amount you can plough in a day' sort of feeling....
and then first thing when I opened my British Museum catalogue of the Egyptian day of the Dead (which suddenly looked as if it might be useful) it fell open at the page with a figure 'receiving liquid from a tree goddess' - lovely , I knew it was going to be useful for my meditations on sick fools and the healing and wisdom of trees; it is quite an unusual image.....

Once back I carried on browsing and made more scribbles in my notebook, alongside yesterdays bandaged fools with shopping trolleys, meditations on Frankenstein, the odd deposition, unravellings...  the great thing about a sketchbook of ideas is to mix up all the drawn images together and they start to make new connections.
At the end of a day like yesterday it is hard to feel whether you have achieved anything, it can feel like idling - but you probably have and your dreams the next night might sort things out further.....  

I am beginning to see how the Sick Fool idea can now join with the tree images I started to make as new set of playing card images, might all meet up together. I might start cutting some more tomorrow, although some feel they will also need to be developed bigger - size matters and images demand their own size sometimes; the playing card ones are very small but are useful for trying ideas out

these are some of the previous ones I did - trial runs with some miniature Ship of Fools images too - I was going to try out making some sort of peepshow forest with them but had to stop to finish other things
here are a couple of blocks too....
and below some of the drawings they were based on - I was using particular trees that I love from my regular walks  - they may look a bit faint as in pencil.... I really love the ones I can stand inside and almost wear like a coat....and ones with extraordinary faces

I will try and have some of the new ones I will start cutting to show tomorrow; I have been distracted by the wonderful 8pm moment of people in my road opening their windows and doors and clapping for the NHS workers; lots of us did, including the next door dog barking which added to the volume; so good to do as my friends further down have two family members on the front line , running a corona ward...
and John Tomlinson told Sean Rafferty when on Radio 3 at 6pm he might sing out of his window but we couldn't hear him in the clear night air sadly, he's a few roads away.....he sang happy birthday to his neighbour yesterday through the house wall with his big deep bass voice and they could hear and banged back....

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