Friday 19 June 2020

Complete Set - Kindness of Trees

Gosh - 10 days since I last posted - sorry - I was doing boring printing all the time, well a bit boring for you , not so much for me although arduous.
I also re-cut and printed one of the original flood ones too and tinkered around, and finding I didn't have complete sets for some images and having to reprint another one.....
anyway here is the complete set of Trees - just in time for Midsummer....
in no particular order of course because designed to be moved around...

I will try and post up the complete sets of the other two titles over the weekend - have had to do a lot of tidying and cleaning to find a space to lay them all out on the floor - but tidying is always cathartic before starting a new project and clearing the decks of old ones - tho there is plenty of repetitive work left to do cutting and glue-ing, not to mention printing books not yet proofed......
but I will start the new project while I am excited about it and save the other work for therapeutic days in between creative frenzy.....,
lordy - nearly the end of June already.....time marching on....

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