The above are images from the ABA Olympia book fair back in june? seems a while ago......
I keep putting this off because I don’t know where to start…..so I will try and be really factual.
The Untenanted Room is well on its way in the world – below is a list of events it is going to be, or has been, featured at:
The Untenanted Room by James Simpson and Carolyn Trant will be featured in some form or other at the following events.
15th May 2011 The Mayfield Fringe Festival - Poetry Life's Song, Agenda Poetry Reading featuring Stephen O'Brien, Tim Murdoch and James Simpson. The Middle House Pub, High Street, Mayfield.
9th June 2011 The Needlewriters Lewes, The Needlemakers, West Street Lewes.
23rd - 25th September 2011 The London Art Bookfair, Whitechapel.
12th October 2011 Our Common Ground - Poetry Reading Celebrating the Countryside and Farming. The Cheltenham Literary Festival.
22nd October 2011 Poetry and Print Around the Block. Pushing Print 2011, Margate.
30th October 2011 Poetry and Nature: an evening of poetry inspired by the Sussex
landscape and beyond. The Linklater Pavilion, Lewes.
4th - 5th November 2011 Oxford Fine Press Bookfair, Oxford.
James Simpson’s new websites are
They will lead you to the Agenda Poetry one as well…
There will be more events to be added soon and it will be great for James to be reading at the Cheltenham Festival – I had a lovely time when I was there a few years ago…
Peter and I went to the Brighton Illustrators Group summer party last week and they are going to put some stuff up on their website as well; they invited us along as we had given them a talk about our artists books last winter, they are a really lovely group
Giving a talk in Margate should be fun – I have been wanting an excuse to go over and see the new gallery and the shell grotto and poke about the town.
It is billed as
Who Killed Cock Robin
Carolyn Trant
15th October, 2 - 3pm
Presentation from Carolyn Trant showing handcut texts and discussing collaborations with poets.
In the morning Phil Abel will be giving a talk too
Letterpress, the allure of the machine mahttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifde
Phil Abel
11am on Sat October 15th
A talk by Phil Abel from Hand and Eye Letterpress on their print process
The next big event will be exhibiting at the
Whitechapel, London Art Book Fair 23rd – 25th september
Check out their site and click on the link – more information should start going up soon.
Sadly that means I will be missing the launch of Nancy Campbell ‘s book
How to sat ‘I love you’ in Greenlandic; an Arctic Alphabethttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
At the Poetry Society Café in Betterton Street
(though I don’t think the promised arctic delicacies would be very vegetarian from what she told me about her residency in Greenland) Nancy’s blog is
Before then my printmaking group will be exhibiting in Lewes Artwave Visual Arts Festival
The first two weekends in September 11am -5pm at the Linklater Pavilion.
Now renamed as Lewes Printmakers, things are going really well at the Linklater where we have been made exceptionally welcome. We are all really happy there , sharing a room with the bees behind their glass partition , and listening to the river sploshing over the stones at low tide in the summer evenings. It is a lovely place to be with inspiration for our next Lewes book all round us – we’ll aim to have one out for next year – this Artwave we will start selling a 2012 calendar from Around the Block – the Gideon Mantell book we did last year.
I will also be exhibiting a couple of my books in Falmer village hall , by kind invitation of Sue Barnes – the ArtWave exhibition there is always well worth a look, jolly good work and it is such a lovely spot.
Then in November, weekend of 5/6th
I shall have a stand at the Oxford Fine Press Book Fair at Oxford Brookes University
I have been finishing a book for a Book Art project in Lausanne for an exhibition in November called Mode de Vie Journal
Website: Art&Fiction Editions d’Artistes – Le Blog - if your French is good – mine isn’t, which is rather feature of the book I’ve prepared using all 115 titles of the first Mode de Vie as my text and a lot of photographic images I took in the street in Paris back in the spring.
Watch this space for dates and place of the exhibition in Geneva.

And I have also been finishing designs for the outside walls of the new County Archive building, The Keep, between Lewes and Brighton – due for completion in 2013; five large panels of etched concrete, a really exciting new technology, on a scale well outside my comfort zone and a somewhat unknown quantity and all the more exciting for that. I keep thinking about Peggy (Angus ) and her ‘Anguside’ glass panels for Gatwick Airport and think how excited she would have been about this development.
I feel I shouldn’t post many images of the last two events until they have taken place...maybe a long wait for the etched concrete one though my bit may be up next year well before the building is open.
Not many images at all here, apart from those from the ABA Fair at Olympia at the beginning, but I really do intend to set up a proper website soon with easily accessed images from all my books; it really is on my to-do list…….
Along with several more books to finish…...
apologies for a few gremlins that keep creeping into this that I can't seem to erase - I hope it sort of makes sense.....
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