If you have found this site through the CODEX exhibitor
list, Welcome to my blog; a proper website is under construction and will be
ready by the start of the Fair next week hopefully….meanwhile…
I am very much looking forward to a visit to the USA, first
time West Coast;
many of my books have been sold all over the States ( last
one I know of was Who Killed Cock Robin to the Library of Congress last autumn
) and to meeting collectors, curators and other book artists and making new
contacts – please do come and talk to me and see what I do.
I am also looking forward to meeting up with others who have
made books for the Al Mutannabi Street project and meeting Beau and seeing the
exhibition at the San Francisco Centre for the Book.
A website will make it easier to see the books I am thinking
of bringing…but you can’t beat seeing the real thing and smelling the ink, let
alone the popping up…
Who Killed Cock Robin, plus a new pop-up version….
and my last copy of Lorca’s Sonnets of Dark Love –
(see images below in previous post ….)
And Other Fairy Tales – a woodcut book, plus a small carrousel
and The Untenanted Room....and maybe more
My blog covers a variety of purposes but if you can bear to
keep scrolling through the archive you will find a lot of images of previous
work plus a large installation – the Falcon Bride.
The Tom Paine Printing Press shop is my husband’s shop – he
will be exhibiting too as
Peter Chasseaud – Altazimuth Press.
If you have visited this site through the Works on Paper
Fair site – I very much look forward to seeing you at my talk at the Science
Museum as part of this fair on Friday 1st Feb at 3pm – see below.
If you want a ticket to the Fair send me an e-mail and I will forward an e-mail one
If you want a ticket to the Fair send me an e-mail and I will forward an e-mail one