Wednesday 22 April 2020

Earth Day

I haven't finished cutting the last two images yet - am doing them in tandem while I think and decide how best to do them and whether I am going to commit to doing two blocks per image - I need to know now for one of the images particularly...

so to celebrate the fiftieth Anniversary of Earth Day in these difficult times which require deep thought and new resolutions perhaps - you know my views by now...
I am just going to post up some small woodcut images from a fairly recent book I did with James Simpson's poems, called Some Light Remains (a few may be still available!) to celebrate the simple things in life and fruits of the earth... reminds me that I was going to make a tunnel or peepshow book of the Cockerel poem and I have actually got some more blocks cut for it waiting to be printed on my ever growing pile..... 

I am sorry they are slightly squiffy - I can assure you I wasn't but was balancing the book on my lap and taking the photos with one finger... and there is one other image I didn't post as it didn't seem quite so relevant....

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