here is one of the original woodcut images of Perceval when I was first thinking of doing a book about him -whether influenced by Wagner's opera or not ) after having made the book Gawain - so going back to the beginning of the century I realise - 2001?....this was a large A2 size woodcut... I think he very originally carried a suitcase too.....
Which then eventually turned into this book done with James for publication by Agenda Editions - a set of black and grey woodcuts around A4 size done specifically for the publication...
the immediate above is the woodcut....
and then into a much bigger book on Khadi paper, A2 size folded into a book finished two years ago.......which was eventually still titled The Untenanted Room, after much discussion between poet and artist, and obviously based on the idea of the Wasteland, and in the large book with an opening image of ruin based on images from Syria.....

In between there was also this concertina book , that also turned into a carousel....
I might add to this later......
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