Projects and Installations

My largest and most important installation - The Falcon Bride - has an archive post all to itself - see the Artwork archive Falcon Bride Installation.

Other projects are here in chronological order - 

The Suitor, The Kiss and the Wandering Room - for the Kissy Kissy exhibition in the Star Gallery Lewes to celebrate the temporary return of Rodin's The Kiss ( one of 4 casts, now belonging to Tate Britain) that was previously based on Lewes before the First World War.

The Millenium Exhibition project at the Star Gallery for the year 2000 where 20 artists were invited to make an exhibit representing the century they were allotted from numbers drawn at random - I was given the Twentieth Century and chose to make an Artists Book with 12 images representing each decade of the century - a biographical choice, it was just called The Artists Book.

Al- Mutanabbi Street - a book to support the demolished bookshops of Al -Mutanabbi Street after bombing in ----

Mode de Vie - a project with an artists group in Lausanne, called Arts et Fiction. My resulting book now resides in the collection of the City of Lausanne.

In due course I will add directions to further projects listed in the blog archive with a date reference for easy consultation.

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