Thursday 7 May 2020

Now printing...

I started with the flood series - which may overlap with others - and these images which need careful proofing; a gentle beginning to see how they might best look before the ink builds up and it is more difficult to see how best the density of ink might lie; so - subtle differences in these groups of 2 and 3....when the ink first goes on it is easy to see how it looks against  the pale wood but subsequent -re-inking is more tricky when variations of thickness and tone are being tried out; perhaps hard to tell on this screen but its like spot the difference, a challenge.....
this isn't black ink - it is a dark colour I mix which is sort of black but with more depth of tone and chromatics, black can be a very thin colour ( or lack of it) - this was some I had left on my slab and still usable so I carried on with the possible set while I still had enough to look at them all together....

I did a few of each so I can start painting over them and get an idea of how they could look - then try on better paper and it always looks better if the colour goes on first and then the print on top....
some of the more emblematic images are much more straightforward to print, same layer of ink all over, but the painter in me can never stop playing a bit so that each print is a bit different....

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