Sunday 24 May 2020

Blocks in progress

Played around with these blocks - might show the prints tomorrow; I like seeing how they look here in close proximity - tho of course in mirror image.
Friends and family want a few separate cards for presents but it is hard to find suitably cheery ones;
yesterday P was muttering about Disasters of War when he saw them all spread out on the table - flattering but I didn't think they were that gloomy, and in fact rather too frivolous at times - I am now plotting a really bleak and sinister set as drypoints in monochrome dark colour, I have been wanting to do some drypoint ones since I saw some old french revolutionary playing cards in Lausanne a few years ago...
hope life and the days are long enough...
meanwhile covid book list update - am enjoying finishing Consolations of the Forest - Alone in a Cabin in the Middle Taiga - Sylvain Tesson - given to me at Christmas with great foresight (premonition?) by a good friend....
Feeling less ache-y today, and after 2 grey windy days staying in my insect bitten/plant lashed ankles are recovering from too much nature, I couldn't believe how many bites and itchy allergic blobs I was developing ...... but I braved a quick spin out tonight and rewarded with a new shimmering haze of ox eye daisies now out in full bloom and the beginnings now of ladies bedstraw, the rain has got new things growing....

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