Above are images from The Untenanted Room - caroussel version - which I showed at BABE along with the Agenda Editions version now available from us ( Carolyn Trant and James Simpson ) or via Agenda. At Bristol we also had the hand-bound version which is available, with or without the original hand-printed woodcuts in a slipcase.
James is now embarking on a series of readings, which began last week in the Mayfield Festival, and continue on 9th June as part of the NeedleWriters readings at the Needlemakers Cafe in Lewes, West Street BN7 2NZ 7 for 7.45 pm
see http://www.needlewriters.co.uk
I shall sadly miss this as I shall be opening up at 'Downstairs' at the Olympia Antiquarian Book Fair - all my dates seem to clash this year; but there will be further readings throughout the summer and into the autumn - more dates to follow.
See February news below for more images of the paperback Untenated Room and contents and Cock Robin.
My display version of Who Killed Cock Robin is now on show at the Regency Town House as part of the Brighton Festival, two more weekends to go; I'll be there tomorrow afternoon - saturday 21st. haven't managed a good picture yet as it is rather dark , as was the stand at BABE, especilly in this good sunny weather which seems to make indoors even darker....
I have also now started up my classes at the wonderful Linklater Pavilion by the river at the entrance to the Railway Land in Lewes; my printmaking group are all extremely happy and enthusiastic about the move and the room by the river - and we are awaitng the arrival of the bees ( indoor glass beehive) with much excitement.
Last saturday we had a stand at the Priory Fayre in the newly restored 11th century priory ruins and grounds; billed as a most important historical site - the priory, an enormous and influential Cluniac institution, was destroyed at the time of Henry VIII with early use of gunpowder and demolition strategy - find out about it at
Organised by the Bonfire society the opening was a spelndid event with processing giant figures and stirring drumming - we had a fantastic day.

We demonstrated 'medieval woodcutting' and showed prints of Lewes done by the group for our books, and let children do some linocut printing round the back of the stall. The car was there to rescue all the prints when the rain tipped down for 5 minutes, as forecast at 4 o'clock, a truly British finish to the day - keeps the adrenalin flowing.
You can see our new website ( still being renovated ) at
or you can look us up for a while longer on
Should all be working soon…
...the change of name reflects our new venue and hosts; and our next book will be on theme ecological, encompassing the river and the Railway Land and the Linklater Pavilion.
My next saturday classes will be on 18 june and 9 july; email for more details at addresses above.
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