August 28/29; September 4/5 and 11/12
Another disgraceful lack of blogging - but I have not been idle; pressed, stressed and unorganised - but not idle - though being without my presses for a month or two has meant little to show .
Presses are now up and running again and I am working on a (supposedly) small task of dealing with Who Killed Cock Robin - it does have 14 stanzas however; but I am currently rivetted by it. Hopefully the first 5 images may be ready for our local Arts Festival (ArtWave) here in Lewes; however what response there will be to King Death Fly ( with his little eye ) and maggots and rats, burying beetles and the usual contingent of blood, is another question. Judith is working on her poems of death -so between us you can reckon we are upholding our tradition of epatee-ing something or other.
So - busy months august and september;
Lewes ArtWave August 28/29; September 4/5 and 11/12
weekends 12-6 I will be exhibiting with Judith Kazantzis
Open House at 32 St Anne's Crescent
all welcome; e me if you want to know when I will be there as I will also be organising
The Tom Paine Printing Press exhibition,
Typography and lettering across a variety of media - print, ceramics and papercuts
Peter Chasseaud, Oliver Dawson and Lydia Crook
follow links to the Tom paine Press blog or go direct to
images of Lewes from Paddock Printmakers new book
Around the Block;a ramble around Lewes in the footsteps of Gideon Mantell
woodcuts, collagraphs and drypoints
and a new 2011 calendar of images from last years Tom Paine in Lewes book
tuesday - sundays 10 - 5, august 28 - sept 12th
this will updated for this year's book soon
The exhibition of framed work from the Gideon Mantell book will be on display in the Needlemakers Cafe throughout Artwave - many thanks to them
September 23 - 26
Peter and I will be at the Whitechapel Art Book Fair - Whitechapel Gallery
sharing a stand this year as I will have lots of smaller stuff and Peter will be showing his new book about the East End
Term dates for printmaking sessions - if you have given me an e-mail address and don't hear from me soon, try e-mailing me; ever so many times I don't seem to write them down correctly or they don't work for some reason, or I am just inefficient and lose them...
you can get in touch via the paddock printmakers e-mail if you have lost mine...
Contact Paddock Printmakers at pprints.f@ukonline.co.uk
saturday dates for next term are
october 23rd
november 20th
december 4th
you can start booking in any time now
Finally - I really enjoyed seeing The Surreal House exhibition at the Barbican Centre yesterday - I really recommend it; leave plenty of time for seeing all the films etc....
I'll try and add some more pics of things soon; I realise the blog has got a bit taken over by the shop in the past months but I am working on various huge projects of my own too - just not ready to share them yet. Official exhbitions at the shop have slowed down over the summer as we are nervous about all the sun on our south side of the street - but they will resume again in the autumn; meanwhile Peter has been filling the space with his wonderful huge posters anyway and we have plenty of new stuff coming and going on tables and the Tom Paine side of things has been given a boost by the tourist season....
and the unveiling of the Tom Paine statue by Marcus Cornish.
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