
this image is one I have done for my printmaking group - Paddock Printmakers - new book about Tom Paine in Lewes for the Festival celebrating 200 years since his death ( should we be celebrating his death? doesn't seem right, but any excuse for festivities.......)
go to
to get an update to what is happening
and further details about my group ( very different from my own usual stuff )
The Festival runs from 4th July to the 14th July - two revolutionary dates - but our exhibition at Pelham House runs through most of July and August.
There should be a link to the Tom Paine Festival on that site too
The small anteroom in Westgate Chapel is my favourite room in Lewes; it is right next to the Bull House where Tom Paine lived for 6 years, and you can still almost breathe 18th century air in it; it is very peaceful and you can feel it calming you down. I wanted to try and make a woodcut of the air!
He was a non-conformist and took his wedding vows here , but they had to be repeated in the established church over the road - St Michaels - to be legal.
Anyway - you will soon be able to read all about it in our book - with digital reproductions of about 25 of the group's prints ( woodcuts, lino, collagraphs and drypoints ); if you want to reserve a copy , let me know before we go to print in May, as we only print a very limited edition and they sell fast; you can leave comments/ask price , on the Paddock Prints blogsite.
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