Have just spent a happy hour following up all the blogs and website of people I met at the BookFair; many of whom are much quicker off the mark than me.
http://artistsbookcollective.blogspot.com/already have a report posted up with pictures, including one of my stand ( or part of it ) which is really nice of them. Chien is tutoring a new course in Book Arts at Birmingham; I loved ( and bought some of ) his little folded books and students Jat and Charlotte had some amazing book structures and nice things.
This communal blog is full of useful links to other Book Fairs, images and ideas for how to do things; and even a video of how to make a simple book on the Shepherd's ( the Bookbinders and Paper Sellers ) link; scroll around and see what you can find - any of my students who are reading this blog!
There were lots of good points of contact with East London Printmakers
www.eastlondonprintmakers.co.ukand I hope to visit next time I am in Hackney.
I hope Wuon-Gean Ho, who works there, might come and give a master class in Japanese water based wood block printing to my group at the Paddock sometime; I could do it once but have forgotton the fine detail.
www.wuongean.comI really liked Australian artist/illustrator - Elizabeth Barnett's new books - etched and one of them with cut aways like a theatre book
www.elizabethisdrawing.comI guess people can see I like the theatrical book, so I was told to google Luci Gorell-Barnes.
I met Eleanor Glover, who has taught at West Dean, and have googled her work and love the 3D and calligraphy - I can see why we had a rapport...
www.eleanor.glover.freeuk.comand talked to a collagraph teacher from Bath
www.felicityromabowers.co.ukshe has a link to the William Blake celebratory book I have been curious to see.
There were many other conversations with old friends and new; there are never enough sales to make ends meet at these fairs but it is these contacts and exchanges that make it worthwhile.
On the way home we stayed with an old friend in Wells; in fact she taught me ceramics a long time ago
www.blackdogofwells.comshe gave me a wonderful tray of type, so I am off to play with that now....